Vaal Reefs Mine Disaster

picture of the vaal reef elevater disaster picture of the vaal reef elevater disaster

picture of the vaal reef elevater disaster

Vaal Reefs is a town in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in the North West province of South Africa The town is home to a large gold mining operation owned by AngloGold Ashanti,, It was history's worst ever elevator disaster This tragedy brought two key changes to the mining industry Firstly, the immediate implementation of the new .

Workplace disasters Workplace disasters

Workplace disasters

Val Reefs Mine disaster South Africa 19 April 1996. Vaal Reefs mining disaster inquiry says company should be prosecuted... ICEM: Hamlet fire USA October 1992. A fire at the Imperial Food plant, Hamlet, USA, in September 1991 killed 25 workers and injured more than 50... Multinational Monitor: Westray mine disaster Canada 9 May 1992. Unions make your workplace safer: excerpts from "Death by ...

vaal reefs gold mine south africa vaal reefs gold mine south africa

vaal reefs gold mine south africa

Vaal Reef Gold Mine Elevator Disaster – Vaal Reef Gold Mine Elevator Disaster . Topics: Disasters, South Africa. Share. Deep, dirty, and dangerous ... >>GET MORE. Vaal Reefs South Mine, Klerksdorp, Witwatersrand field, Dr ... Vaal Reefs South Mine, ... South Africa : A goldplatinum mine on the Witwatersrand Reef. ... Mineral List. Isoferroplatinum. >>GET MORE. Top 25 Vaal ...

Candlelight/Old Bones Candlelight/Old Bones

Candlelight/Old Bones

Many years later I was transferred to the Vaal Reefs mine and joined Candlelight / Old Bones Shellhole where Gerald was the Old Bill. Gerald was one of the most dedied and passionate Moths I ever knew. The Shellhole was his everything, he managed the building of the Shellhole from a disused Commando office in Orkney to the beautiful place it is today. The strength of the Shellhole is ...

Mining accident Mining accident

Mining accident

A mining accident is an accident that occurs during the process of mining minerals or metals. Thousands of miners die from mining accidents each year, especially from underground coal mining, although accidents also occur in hard rock mining is considered much more hazardous than hard rock mining due to flatlying rock strata, generally incompetent rock, the presence of methane .

Vaal Reefs Gold Mine Vaal Reefs Gold Mine

Vaal Reefs Gold Mine

vaal reefs gold mine Giovane Volo di Speranza. Vaal Reef Gold Mine Elevator Disaster World History Project. Officials at the Vaal Reefs Mine, one of this country's richest gold mines, announced that no survivors were found when rescue workers reached the twisted metal and mangled bodies almost 1 1/2 miles underground.

Mining accident Mining accident

Mining accident

This is still the world's worst metal mining disaster. [citation needed] 104 deaths on 10 May 1995 at Vaal Reefs number two shaft near Orkney, in the North West, was arguably one of the worst to befall mining in South Africa. 64 deaths on 12 September 1983 at Hlobane Colliery near Vryheid, KwaZulu Natal

Mining accident Mining accident

Mining accident

This is still the world's worst metal mining disaster. [citation needed] 104 deaths on 10 May 1995 at Vaal Reefs number two shaft near Orkney, in the North West, was arguably one of the worst to befall mining in South Africa. 64 deaths on 12 September 1983 at Hlobane Colliery near Vryheid, KwaZulu Natal; 53 deaths on 13 May 1993 at Middelbult ...

recifs vaal mine n 176 recifs vaal mine n 176

recifs vaal mine n 176

 · vaal reefs gold mine hidrociclon natal. In May 1995 over 100 of that total perished at the AngloAmerican Corporation's Vaal Reefs Mine near Orkney, southwest of Johannesburg. Even a nation hardened to mining tragedy was horrified by the gruesome disaster at one of South Africa's largest and most profitable gold mines. The Golden Thread ...

vaal reefs gold mine vaal reefs gold mine

vaal reefs gold mine

Vaal Reefs Elevator Disaster 1995 | Devastating Disasters. As with the Vaal Reef, high uranium values are also often associated with high gold values. A carbon seam, with a thickness of 5mm to 20mm, commonly occurs at the base of the conglomerate. To the north of the mine, the CReef subcrops against the Gold Estates Conglomerate Formation and, in the extreme south of the mine, the CReef ...

Former Vaal Reefs manager Rob Moss recalls his football ... Former Vaal Reefs manager Rob Moss recalls his football ...

Former Vaal Reefs manager Rob Moss recalls his football ...

 · Vaal Reefs is a township built around South Africa's biggest gold mine. Mention it to most people now and the only reason it rings a bell is because 104 people died there in am horrific mining ...

The Golden Thread: Coalbrook mine disaster, 1960 The Golden Thread: Coalbrook mine disaster, 1960

The Golden Thread: Coalbrook mine disaster, 1960

 · These were unmarked graves. At Vaal Reefs, where I worked in the 1960s, the mine manager chose to establish a hobby farm for his own past time activity directly adjacent to a "grave yard". I made a point of counting the graves at one time and there to a more than 100. I will probe for more information with TEBA and/ or the chamber of mines ...

Deep Shaft Sets Record Deep Shaft Sets Record

Deep Shaft Sets Record

MacAlpine writes on the other side "Vaal Reefs 922 ft.". C/U notice board. C/U black miner speaking into microphone. G/V black mine workers listening to announcement (many wear robes and hats). M/S head of the shaft with a notice at the top saying "922 ft.". C/U black workers applauding. M/S bucket lift carrying workers coming up the shaft. C/U shaft doors closing and trolley being wheeled on ...

vaal reef gold mine hospital vaal reef gold mine hospital

vaal reef gold mine hospital

 · Vaal Reef Gold Mine Elevator Disaster World History Project. Vaal Reef Gold Mine Elevator Disaster. Deep, dirty, and dangerous the life of a South African goldminer is often short and brutal. More than 69,000 miners were killed in workrelated accidents between 1911 and 1994. On May 10, 1995, this horrific . More



The Oppenheimer Stadium near the Vaal Reefs gold mine was packed for the funeral service for 45 of the 104 miners. They were all killed on 10 May in one of South Africa's worst mining disasters. A runaway mine locomotive fell onto an elevator car, sending it crashing to .

vaal reef gold mine vaal reef gold mine

vaal reef gold mine

Vaal Reef Trust to mark mine disaster Lesotho Times. May 28, 2009· MASERU — The Vaal Reef Disaster Trust will next Tuesday mark the 14 th anniversary of the Vaal Reef Mine disaster which claimed the lives of 104 mine workers including 56 Basotho.. The accident at the mine, about 100km southwest of Johannesburg, was ranked among the worst mining disasters in South Africa. Vaal .